The Itchy Dog Detective: Solve the Mystery of Your Dog's Itchy Skin

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The Itchy Dog Detective:

Solve the Mystery of Your Dog's Itchy Skin

My aim with this guide is to help you understand the underlying causes of your dog’s itchy skin and give you the knowledge and tools to address the issue naturally.

I believe that treating the root cause—rather than just the symptoms—is key to maintaining long-term health and well-being.

By identifying the triggers behind your dog’s itchiness and using gentle, holistic remedies, we can work together to create lasting relief and wellness for your furry friends.
About me

From Vet to Natural Healer: My Passion for Helping Dogs Scratch Less and Live More!

Hi, I’m Hanka,

After over a decade of experience in conventional veterinary practice, I’ve shifted my focus to what really works for lasting health – natural and holistic care.

I’m not just a vet, I’m also a qualified small animal nutritionist, veterinary homeopath and phytotherapist with expertise in medicinal mushrooms, Schuessler salts and energy medicine.

I believe in treating the whole animal, not just the symptoms. I’ve had heartfelt conversations with countless clients and witnessed the limitations and side effects of synthetic drugs. I understand what you and your pet really need. I’m here to help you feel empowered to care for your dog, whether it’s through personalised advice or educational resources.

Together we can create a path to better health for your dog – naturally. Let’s work towards long-term wellness that benefits your pet from the inside out.

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